
  • Hervey Bay

    We've recently returned from a memorable week on the Fraser Coast which included Whale Watching, a day on the world heritage listed Fraser Island and a trip to historic Maryborough. Whale Watching The highlight of the week was definitely our trip out into Hervey Bay itself to see the Humpback … read more

  • Moving House

    So we've moved house, and I'd forgot how much of a nightmare it is. We certainly won't be doing it again in a hurry. We've been in Brisbane nearly 2 years now and the place we were renting was ok as our first little settler home, but it was a bit cramped and we were desperate for more storage. We … read more

  • Father's Day at Icon

    Yesterday it was Father's Day here in Australia, and so for a treat we went for Lunch with George, Julie and Reyce to Icon at Raby Bay. We'll definitely be returning to Icon again. The food was fantastic, especially given it was a buffet. Usually at buffets you end up getting the cheap cuts of meat, … read more

  • Manly Harbour Festival

    Yesterday, Rach said she wanted to get some spring cleaning done so I took Lauren down to the Manly Harbour Festival. Here's a few pics: A little something for the adults... And a little something for the kids... This is a view of the rear of Rachelle's work. You can see two cranes - one is … read more

  • Brisbane RiverFestival Weekend

    A few of our pictures from last weekend... On Saturday we had planned to go on board HMB Endeavour - the replica of Captain Cook's ship which visiting Brisbane for a few days, but we got there a little late as Lauren attended a friend's birthday party in the afternoon. Plus, we couldn't be arsed to … read more

  • They've Gone

    My parents are on their way home and so ends a fabulous 4 weeks. The time flew by but they definitely made the most of their first visit to Australia. With the exception of Sydney most of their time was spent with us - I certainly haven't got much leave left to take from work for the rest of this … read more

  • Palm Cove

    Last Sunday we returned from a fantastic week's holiday in Palm Cove. Palm Cove is a small resort just north of Cairns in Far Northern Queensland, and an ideal base for exploring the World Heritage Sites of the Great Barrier Reef and Rainforests. [googlemaps … read more

  • Blogging from Sydney

    I'm currently in Sydney for a couple of days meeting with a client - my first business trip of what I'm told will be many for my new employer. I flew up yesterday afternoon with a colleague who I'm taking over from on this particular client project as he's leaving next week. We're staying in the … read more

  • Last Weekend

    A quick run down of what we got up to last weekend: On Friday Rach took the day off and went to Australia Zoo with Steph and the kids. I managed to get out of it and stayed at home. When they got back Rach, Steph and Julie from next door went for a night out in the city, returning about 2am - the … read more

  • A Long Weekend in Noosa

    Last Thursday, Rachelle picked me up straight from work and we drove 2 hours north to Noosa on the northern end of the Sunshine Coast. I had booked an apartment for us at the Noosa Tropicana. Noosa is beautiful, and includes beautiful white sand beaches; a large national park complete with … read more

  • Brisbane Riverfire

    Last night we went to the Brisbane Riverfire - the opening night of the 10-day Brisbane Riverfestival. The Riverfire is a spectacular fireworks display along the river from Story Bridge to Victoria Bridge, and includes a 'dump and burn' by RAAF F-111 fighter jets. Because we new that it would be … read more

  • We live next door to party animals!

    When we got back from the Ekka on Saturday, our next door neighbours - George and Julie - invited us round for what we thought would be a couple of quiet beers. This was about 3pm. Little did we know, we'd end up getting absolutely arseholed and wouldn't end up leaving until midnight. George's … read more

  • Ekka 2007

    On Saturday we had our first experience of 'The Ekka'. The Ekka is an annual 10-day event formally known as the Royal Queensland Show. It was originally called the Brisbane Exhibition but what with the aussie habit of shortening any words over 5 letters it's now known as the Ekka. We presumed that … read more

  • View from the boardroom

    I had a meeting on the 32nd floor at work today. It's a bit distracting when you have a view like this... Taken with my Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Camera phone read more

  • Brisbane CBD comes to a stand-still for Brett Irwin funeral

    I should read the local papers more often, as when I went out for lunch today I had no clue why roadblocks had been set up and why police were milling everywhere. I soon discovered the reason why when I came round the corner to St Stephen's Cathedral. It was the funeral for Brett Irwin - the police … read more

  • Some pics from our day at Sea World

    See more of our photo's on Flickr read more

  • Brisbane CBD by Night

    This photo doesn't really do it justice. I'm going to have to invest in a camera with a decent flash. This is the view I get of the Brisbane CBD from the CityCat every night leaving work. read more

  • Flying Fish Yacht, Cairns

    Not sure what this was about. I came out of work yesterday (Monday) and this yacht was on the jetty surrounded by film crews. The helicopter onboard had its rotors running and there was what looked like a butler standing at the top of the gangway. I couldn't work out whether they were waiting for … read more

  • TGIF

    The weekend is here! I can't believe I've just completed my first full week of work in Oz and I've done absolutely nothing! The client I'm working for still hasn't sorted me out a PC or account to access the systems. Nor do I have a swipe card yet to get physical access to the building. I have to … read more

  • More flood pics

    We nearly bought an house in Auckley. Even so, this is very close to where we used to live... Even Meadowhall, OMG!.. read more