
  • 📺 Doubter to Believers Liverpool FC: Klopp’s Era ★★★½

    There were some good moments and behind the scenes footage, but also some strange choices. Harvey Elliot’s dad seemed to have more screen time than Mo Salah. Also, is it just me or did the series show more games that Liverpool lost than won? Doubter to Believers Liverpool FC: Klopp’s Era read more

  • Agentic AI May Be the Answer to Walled Gardens

    Job searches across multiple platforms are repetitive and inefficient. Agentic AI, capable of automating tasks, could streamline this by consolidating listings, filtering emails, and eliminating duplicates. However, AI’s rise poses questions about privacy, trust, and tech giants' growing … read more

  • Health Update - Feb 2025

    In my last update in November, I talked about how I was feeling good, and felt positive about my recovery. I spoke too soon. Another bone marrow biopsy in December, thankfully, was MRD negative confirming I’m still in remission. That’s the main thing. Otherwise, the last quarter has been setback … read more

  • Health Update - Nov 2024

    I received some good news this week. The first full bone marrow biopsy results have finally come back following the CAR-T infusion, and it’s Minimum Residual Disease (MRD) negative. It doesn’t mean I’m cured but it supposedly makes it less likely that I’ll relapse any time soon. The CAR-T seems to … read more

  • Transplant Failed. What Now?

    I was hoping my next blog post would be a bit more positive. In fact, I wasn’t even going to write this but I’ve now had some time to come to terms with things, so here’s where I am. Life continues to lay dog turds in my path. Things were going well. I was 160 days post transplant … read more

  • Day +100

    Last week I reached another milestone - 100 days post-transplant. If all goes well, this is typically the time when I can come off the immuno-suppressing drugs, reduce other drugs, and start mixing with people again. I’m happy to say that things have mostly gone well. Thanks to Nurse Ratched … read more

  • Four Weeks in Isolation

    I’ve just completed four weeks in isolation. My last update was the day before transplant day after undergoing a week of conditioning chemo. Transplant Day I was surprisingly calm the morning of transplant day. I put on my Unwind playlist and listened to some calming music. Rach, Lauren and my … read more

  • Transplant Day and the Road Ahead

    Here we go. Tomorrow is the big day. This week has been about undergoing conditioning chemo to prepare my body for the transplant. Most people hear the word transplant and think it involves surgery. In the case of blood cancers it’s simply a blood transfusion. I say ‘simply’, … read more

  • Leukaemia: An Update

    I’m back in the UK and the bone marrow transplant is happening. My last post was about 2 months into chemo. Since then, it has continued to be a roller coaster. I ended up having 6 cycles of chemo and spent 5 months in hospital (so far). We made the flights that we originally booked and … read more

  • Luekemia

    I thought it was kidney stones again. I've been plagued with them over the years and thought they were back. For 2 weeks I'd been suffering back and shoulder pains. At first I thought it was just posture pain from spending too much time at my computer. I was between contracts and using the time to … read more

  • Movie Reviews

    I’ve decided to start writing some short movie reviews on here. I’ve got quite a large DVD collection, most of of which I’ve now copied on to my Apple TV set-up. In my geekness, I’ve got movies stored on a couple of external hard disks connected to my wireless router so that I can stream them … read more

  • Omaha, Nebraska

    A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to get an overseas work trip to carry out a PCI DSS audit of a client and their service provider in the US. My trip took in LA and Omaha, Nebraska of all places. I travelled with Brad again from the client's security team. The trip started on a high note. We were … read more

  • Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur

    I've recently returned from a short work trip that took in Melbourne and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was the PCI DSS auditing keeping me busy again. I travelled with Brad from my customer's security team who I went to Manila and India with. He's from Melbourne so he was quite happy to use the … read more

  • How to Deal with Overzealous Cops

    There's been lots of reports in the news in the last couple of years of how UK police are using section 44 of the Terrorism Act to stop peaceful protests and anything else they don't like. The video below is a great example of how to deal with overzealous police. The bottom line is KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! … read more

  • Brisbane Storms

    It's tropical storm season here at the moment and this year it has been particularly bad. Tonight we've been treated to yet another fantastic lightning storm after a very hot day, but it was rather mild compared to what happened on Sunday 16th November when we had the worst storms for 30 years. … read more